The GPME Inc Executive Committee:
Dr Lisa Fraser (Treasurer)
Lisa is a GP registrar supervisor, RACGP Interviewer and medical student host placement for JCU GMT. Lisa previously held Registrar Liaison Officer and medical educator positions for GPTQ and was involved in developing their registrar medical educator program. Lisa is the recent chair of the RACGP QLD New Fellows Committee. Having moved from Brisbane to Gordonvale in far north Queensland, Lisa is now a practice owner and principal GP in a regional town. She has 2 primary school-aged children and enjoys cooking, swimming and art. |
Dr Rebecca Lock
Rebecca is a GP and Medical Educator passionate about quality, patient centred holistic care in General Practice. She graduated from the University of Queensland in 2001 and began her GP training in Pomona in the Sunshine Coast hinterland. She moved to Cooroy in 2005 and has been practicing there since. Rebecca became involved in medical education in 2010 as a supervisor and went on to become an educator in 2011. She is currently working as a medical educator for General Practice Training Queensland where she coordinates the Brisbane North District and is involved as a senior medical educator for rural fellowships – giving training advice for those pursuing the rural fellowships of FACRRM and FARGP. Rebecca has interests in chronic disease management, women’s health, clinical reasoning and doctor’s health. |
Dr Naomi Luck
Dr Naomi Luck is a Canberra based GP and dual fellow of RACGP and ACRRM. Naomi currently works as an ME for ACRRMs Independent Pathway and has previously worked as an ME, supervisor and CT visitor with CCCGPT, WAGPET, GPSynergy and RVTS, and as a clinical skills tutor at the ANU medical school. She has also been an RACGP examiner. Naomi has a particular clinical and medical education interest in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and has spent much of her career working in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. She currently works as a GP Advisor for Indigenous Health with the Capital Health Network. Naomi also has interests in learning needs assessment, exam preparation, remediation and mentorship. Outside of work Naomi enjoys snowboarding, mountain biking and baking. |
Dr Paul Grinzi
Dr Rashmi Sharma

Dr Susan Tyler-Freer
Susan is originally from North America, where she did research, clinical laboratory work, teaching, and forensic examination and investigation. She came to Australia in 2002, and studied medicine at Sydney University. She spent several years at Bankstown hospital prior to Palliative Care training in the Braeside/Fairfield/Liverpool network. Palliative care remains a passion and her most recent work developing a wrap-around service to enable home terminal care is pending publication. Her GP work is based in Brunswick Heads, in the Byron hinterland. She lives with her partner and two little boys on a small property with a big shed full of projects in various states of completion.
Susan is originally from North America, where she did research, clinical laboratory work, teaching, and forensic examination and investigation. She came to Australia in 2002, and studied medicine at Sydney University. She spent several years at Bankstown hospital prior to Palliative Care training in the Braeside/Fairfield/Liverpool network. Palliative care remains a passion and her most recent work developing a wrap-around service to enable home terminal care is pending publication. Her GP work is based in Brunswick Heads, in the Byron hinterland. She lives with her partner and two little boys on a small property with a big shed full of projects in various states of completion.