Crown Conference Centre,
8 Whiteman St,
Southbank, Melbourne
Breakout Rooms: M14, M15, M16 and the Exhibition Hall.
Crown Conference Centre,
8 Whiteman St,
Southbank, Melbourne
Breakout Rooms: M14, M15, M16 and the Exhibition Hall.
Workshops: 9-3 (Lunch included)
9.00 - 10.30: Session 1
10.30 - 10.50: Morning Tea
10.50 - 1.00: Session 2
1.00 - 1.40: Lunch
1.40 - 3.00: Session 3
Additional Activities:
3.00 - 3.30: Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 3.30: John Fisher Memorial Speech - Free to all members
4.30 - 5.30: GPME AGM
5.30: GPTEC opening and Welcome Drinks
Workshops: 9-3 (Lunch included)
9.00 - 10.30: Session 1
10.30 - 10.50: Morning Tea
10.50 - 1.00: Session 2
1.00 - 1.40: Lunch
1.40 - 3.00: Session 3
Additional Activities:
3.00 - 3.30: Afternoon Tea
3.30 - 3.30: John Fisher Memorial Speech - Free to all members
4.30 - 5.30: GPME AGM
5.30: GPTEC opening and Welcome Drinks
Stream 1 New Medical Educators
Facilitators – Dr Danielle James, Dr Karen Savery, Dr Paul Grinzi and Dr Rebecca Lock
Seeking new medical educators wanting to add skills to the survival kit! Group facilitation skills especially for that “challenging” registrar in your large or small group.
Are you planning to teach? Learn to plan! CPR for “Death by PowerPoint”.
Develop skills in delivering effective oral presentations by using reflection to develop your skills in medical education. This interactive workshop will help participants optimise the delivery of their educational ‘message’ to their audience and give plenty of opportunity to practice new skills. Aimed at educators in their first 5 years of their medical education career we will bring along the ultimate in education survival – chocolate!
Stream 2 Supervisor Professional Development
Facilitators – Dr Patrick Kinsella and Dr Gerard Ingham
This masterclass is framed especially for those who organise and run RTO supervisor professional development. The plan is that each attendee will bring one of their own supervisor professional development session plans. One they thought went well or perhaps one they were less happy with and thought should have gone better. Each, in turn will give a short presentation outlining their session, they will then sit back while the other experts in the room discuss the lesson plan and suggest ways it could be modified or improved.
The plan is that each attendee will leave with the session plans and PowerPoints for all sessions presented that they can then take home and use. We will also learn from each other how to design education sessions that meet our learners needs and help them go where they need to go! You will be required to submit an outline of your lesson plan at least 2 weeks before the workshop so that we can arrange a running order. The attached template can be used to provide your outline.
Stream 3 Leadership
Facilitators – Dr Graham Emblen and Dr Hubert Van Doorn
“The world is run by those who turn up”. This was a quote from one of our respected colleagues in relation to the future of General Practice.
All of us in Medical Education have a role in leadership. Some of us step up and exercise our role. However, most of us suffer from an “imposter syndrome”.
This workshop is designed for anyone who has an interest or is currently working in leadership roles in General Practice Medical Education at all levels and would like to grow or be more effective in that role. There will be an opportunity to:
• Understand the central skills and premises of being a leader
• Learn from some of your current leaders
• Develop a peer support network for acting in a leading role
• Explore the vision of Medical Education in General Practice training
• And find ways of managing the imposter syndrome.
This will be a highly interactive workshop with the many take away concepts and skills
expected for each participant. Come and have fun, be challenged and help to grow the tribe
that lead General Practice Medical Education.
Stream 4 Clinical Reasoning
Facilitators – Dr Rebecca Stewart, Dr Scott Preston, Dr Simon Morgan
What is clinical reasoning and how does it relate to General Practice? Some say that clinical
reasoning is a defining skill of the expert clinician, but we’re not even sure what it is that we do
when we think as doctors. How does a doctor sense that he or she doesn’t know? If there is
such uncertainty about clinical reasoning, then how on earth should we assess for competence
and then how do we teach it?? Who should be teaching it and when should it be taught?
The presenters of this one-day masterclass will attempt to bring some sense to this
challenging area for medicine and teaching. They will present the available literature on the
topic and outline concepts including:
• useful diagnostic models and when to use them
• potential biases in assessment of competency for clinical reasoning
• comparison of tools for assessing clinical reasoning and,
• ideas for how to teach those who are believed to be deficient in this skill.
As a result of participating in this workshop participants will feel empowered through their
knowledge of how doctors think, its assessment and how it may be taught to GP registrars.
Facilitators – Dr Danielle James, Dr Karen Savery, Dr Paul Grinzi and Dr Rebecca Lock
Seeking new medical educators wanting to add skills to the survival kit! Group facilitation skills especially for that “challenging” registrar in your large or small group.
Are you planning to teach? Learn to plan! CPR for “Death by PowerPoint”.
Develop skills in delivering effective oral presentations by using reflection to develop your skills in medical education. This interactive workshop will help participants optimise the delivery of their educational ‘message’ to their audience and give plenty of opportunity to practice new skills. Aimed at educators in their first 5 years of their medical education career we will bring along the ultimate in education survival – chocolate!
Stream 2 Supervisor Professional Development
Facilitators – Dr Patrick Kinsella and Dr Gerard Ingham
This masterclass is framed especially for those who organise and run RTO supervisor professional development. The plan is that each attendee will bring one of their own supervisor professional development session plans. One they thought went well or perhaps one they were less happy with and thought should have gone better. Each, in turn will give a short presentation outlining their session, they will then sit back while the other experts in the room discuss the lesson plan and suggest ways it could be modified or improved.
The plan is that each attendee will leave with the session plans and PowerPoints for all sessions presented that they can then take home and use. We will also learn from each other how to design education sessions that meet our learners needs and help them go where they need to go! You will be required to submit an outline of your lesson plan at least 2 weeks before the workshop so that we can arrange a running order. The attached template can be used to provide your outline.
Stream 3 Leadership
Facilitators – Dr Graham Emblen and Dr Hubert Van Doorn
“The world is run by those who turn up”. This was a quote from one of our respected colleagues in relation to the future of General Practice.
All of us in Medical Education have a role in leadership. Some of us step up and exercise our role. However, most of us suffer from an “imposter syndrome”.
This workshop is designed for anyone who has an interest or is currently working in leadership roles in General Practice Medical Education at all levels and would like to grow or be more effective in that role. There will be an opportunity to:
• Understand the central skills and premises of being a leader
• Learn from some of your current leaders
• Develop a peer support network for acting in a leading role
• Explore the vision of Medical Education in General Practice training
• And find ways of managing the imposter syndrome.
This will be a highly interactive workshop with the many take away concepts and skills
expected for each participant. Come and have fun, be challenged and help to grow the tribe
that lead General Practice Medical Education.
Stream 4 Clinical Reasoning
Facilitators – Dr Rebecca Stewart, Dr Scott Preston, Dr Simon Morgan
What is clinical reasoning and how does it relate to General Practice? Some say that clinical
reasoning is a defining skill of the expert clinician, but we’re not even sure what it is that we do
when we think as doctors. How does a doctor sense that he or she doesn’t know? If there is
such uncertainty about clinical reasoning, then how on earth should we assess for competence
and then how do we teach it?? Who should be teaching it and when should it be taught?
The presenters of this one-day masterclass will attempt to bring some sense to this
challenging area for medicine and teaching. They will present the available literature on the
topic and outline concepts including:
• useful diagnostic models and when to use them
• potential biases in assessment of competency for clinical reasoning
• comparison of tools for assessing clinical reasoning and,
• ideas for how to teach those who are believed to be deficient in this skill.
As a result of participating in this workshop participants will feel empowered through their
knowledge of how doctors think, its assessment and how it may be taught to GP registrars.